lop header 2025 version b



 Effective 03/01/25 
Campsites D-38 thru D-52
1st month's rent $340.00 (New permanent only)
Basic Rent there after $265.00 per month (30 amp only available, no sewer, however L.O.P. will pump out for "free")
WiFi is included!
(No cable available)

These add-ons are included at no extra charge:


1) Leaving electricity on: (when camper not in use) (for purpose of refrigerator only.) No lights or A/C of any kind are to be left on. $25.00 fine applies if lights are left on. $200.00 fine applies if A/C is left on. To keep your A/C on, a $60.00 monthly fee is added.


2) Golf Cart: one cart per site allowed. If more than 1 cart, $22.00 per month for each additional cart applies.


3) Built-in Fridge on attached outside kitchen (as part of R.V.)


1. All family members, which include: you, your spouse, your children, their spouses and children (unless otherwise arranged) will be allowed free entrance to park only with registration and a car pass from the office. NO CO-OWNERSHIP OR SUB-LEASING ALLOWED! Any other entries such as friends or relatives will be required to pay the gate fee of $12.00 per person per day or night. If you wish entry for any other guests, you must pay for them before entering or make arrangements at the office prior to entrance. For those guests wishing to avoid the gate fee, a complimentary 30 minute car pass will be issued and driver’s license will be held. (Guests overstaying complimentary car pass will be charged upon departure.) Any semi-permanent wishing to change their guest list must follow this procedure: Make verbal request to office, pay for guest/guests on 1st initial visit, then receive free admission thereafter. Semi-Permanents are expected to report any and all guests to the office. Failure to do so will result in complete removal of guest list. Semi-Permanents will be held responsible for any guests that fail to pay for their stay.


2. Speed limit is 5mph (WE WILL ENFORCE)!


3. No dirt bikes or ATVs will be allowed on grounds. (UTV'S acceptable, however no souped up, lifted, or loud ones will be allowed).


4. No driving through or parking on others' campsites.


5. No unlicensed driver will be allowed to operate any motorized vehicle on L.O.P. property. (This includes golf carts, UTV's, and motorized scooters). All vehicles and bicycles must be parked by 12:00 midnight. No unnecessary driving thereafter. 


6. Semi-Permanents are responsible for upkeep and appearance of their sites. KEEP SITES NEAT AND TIDY! No building of structures is allowed and no sheds. Camping lawn furniture is allowed (no over-cluttering). No outside refrigerator or freezers, no imitation, outdoor plants and no pallets. Must keep RV clean and washed! No driving nails in trees. L.O.P. reserves the right to inspect & evaluate your site. Periodic site inspections are conducted and expected to be completed within the given time frame. Inspection letters must be taken seriously.


7. Semi-Permanents are entitled to one L.O.P. picnic table. (DO NOT PAINT THEM PLEASE!) Please notify us if you have a picnic table of your own.


8. All semi-permanents are required to stop, register, and obtain a car pass in the office upon entrance to campground. (At all times, including busy weekends, NO EXCEPTIONS!) (On holiday weekends, semi-permanents may go to gate shed to register.) After-hour arrivals are required to come up before 10:00am the following morning to register. (Failure to do so may result in an additional $6.00 charge.) Any semi-permanents arriving prior to store opening (7:00am) shall be counted for the prior night. (Check-Out is 6:00pm. Semi-Permanents remaining on grounds past 6:00pm will be counted for an extra night.)


9. Rent must be arranged for monthly auto-draft (no exceptions). Late fees apply for denied or late payments.


10. Semi-Permanents are allowed 7 days or 7 nights per month for rental fee. ($19.00 each additional night or day applies.) Dayuse will be considered as a charged day. Anytime in excess of 1 hour will be considered DAYUSE! Days or nights used will be recorded from the 1st to the 1st.


11. No units older than 10 years allowed!


12. Quiet hours are from 10:00pm till 8:00am. (All vehicles, golf carts, and bicycles must be parked by 12:00 midnight.) No unnecessary driving thereafter!


13. Please turn off all outside lights during day light hours and upon departure. Failure to do so will result in a $25.00 fine.


14. No clotheslines are to be left up between visits.


15. All pets must be kept on leash or penned. Failure to keep pet on a leash will result in: First offense - warning, 2nd offense - 30 day suspension, 3rd offense - 90 day suspension, 4th offense - removal of pet from grounds. Anyone with pets will be required to clean up after their eliminations. We ask that you respect your camping neighbor by not allowing your pets to eliminate on others' sites or any area frequently used by the public. (No outside pet pens allowed.)


16. No firearms, BB-guns, bow & arrows, fireworks, paint ball guns, or slingshots allowed on campground.


17. No cutting of trees of any kind on L.O.P. property or on property surrounding L.O.P. If concerned about potential tree danger, contact office.


18. No campfires are to be left unattended. Please put out fires before retiring.


19. Upon re-entering gate each time, please hesitate at registration window so we may check your car pass and bracelets and identify you. (DO NOT ENTER THROUGH EXIT GATE!)


20. No extra RV camping units allowed on your site.


21. If extra tent is used on your site, a fee of $20.00 per night applies. (This privilege is strictly for those guest names recorded in our company system.) All others must rent a site in weekend camping section at the regular rate.


22. No fences and no tarps allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS!


23. Do not rake leaves, pine needles, or trash into ditches, ruts, or pot holes of roadways. (Do not rake into road!) DO NOT BURN AT EDGE OF ROADWAY!


24. Moving, spotting, or leveling of campers by L.O.P. will be charged at the rate of $30.00 per hour per man with a minimum charge of $30.00.


25. Removal of propane bottles for filling by L.O.P. staff will be charged $6.00 plus the cost of propane (each bottle). Any after-hours request for filling bottles will be charged an additional fee of $11.00 (plus propane). Anyone wishing to have L.O.P. winterize their camper will be charged $22.00.


26. Land-O-Pines Campground accepts no responsibility for loss due to fire, theft, flood, or inclement weather conditions.


27. Semi-Permanents can not move from semi-permanent status to live-on. (We do not accept live-ons.)


28. Children under 17 must be at their sites by 10:30pm or 1/2 hour after close of scheduled campground activities. NO LOITERING AT ANY PUBLIC BUILDINGS (bath houses, laundromat, etc.)!


29. Place all garbage by roadside for pick up! We will not dispose of large trash items such as appliances, BBQ grills, etc. This is your responsibility! No dumping of appliances, furniture, or any non-biodegradable materials will be allowed anywhere on the campground (this includes the dumpster.) ANYONE CAUGHT IN DUMPSTER'S VICINITY, WILL BE QUESTIONED! Only L.O.P staff may place anything in dumpsters!


30. No soliciting or peddling of any kind allowed on grounds with the exception of special event weekends on the L.O.P. calendar of events where applicable.


31. No broken down cars allowed on site or any vehicles not belonging to the site owner. 2 car limit per site.


32. All semi-permanent campers must now wear a bracelet when camping on weekends. 


33. No R.V.s older than 10 years old will be allowed to become semi-permanent.




1. Office must be advised when brought onto campground as to owner.


2. All carts must display site number with letters at least 4 inches in height. (Must be on either front and back or both sides).


3. Must have working headlights and tail lights or rear reflectors if driven after dark.


4. May not be operated by any unlicensed driver. (STRICTLY ENFORCED)!


5. Speed limit is 5mph (same as auto's).


6. Carts may be operated only on roadways.


7. Maximum person capacity on cart is 4 persons.




Anyone caught violating any of the above rules will result in suspension or permanent removal from grounds.

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