lop header 2025 version b



Speed Limit of 5mph will be strictly enforced. Please do not drive unnecessarily on campground. Drivers of All Motorized Vehicles Must Have a Valid Driver’s License! This includes: golfcarts, scooters, & UTVs (we do not allow souped up, lifted, or LOUD UTVs or golfcarts)! All must be driven on roadways only and have head-lights and tail-lights or rear reflectors if driven after dark. (No Driving After Midnight!)

Pets  must not be left unattended on campground. Pets must be on leash or chain at all times including at the beach. Noisy or Dangerous Pets Are Not Permitted! We ask that you respect your camping neighbor by not allowing your pets to eliminate on others’ sites or any area frequently used by the public.

All Persons must register at office before entering. All Cars Must Display "Current Carpass" At All Times!


Childrens’ Playground Equipment is provided for fun and exercise of young children; however, the parents are responsible for their activities and safety.

Riding of Motorcycles, four wheelers, etc. on campground property is strictly  prohibited.

Skateboards Are Not Permitted on the grounds!

No Firearms, BB guns, slingshots, paintball guns, fireworks (other than L.O.P.’s controlled display),  or bows and arrows permitted on campground.

Campfires  allowed on your campsite only.  No fires on the beach. (Do not burn glass or wood with nails in it!)

No Cutting of Trees or shrubs on campground or on land adjacent to campground permitted. (Firewood for sale in the office.)

Keep Noise & Music for your ears only.  Quiet hours: 10pm- 8:00am.

Place Trash and Garbage by roadside for pick up. Please use plastic garbage bags only. Garbage pick up provided free of charge.

Children Under 17 must be at their sites by 10:30pm  or 1/2 hour after close of scheduled campground activities.

No One Under the Age of 21 will be allowed to camp overnight without adult supervision.

All Property  outside the boundaries of the campground facility is private property under private ownership. Louisiana Trespass Laws apply. Violators of trepass laws may be subject to prosecution. Please respect other persons’ property; don’t litter or deface.

No Soliciting or peddling on grounds or at camp sites (except for special events where fees apply).

Pool Rules: When there is no lifeguard, children 14 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult that is at least 18 years of age. When there is a lifeguard, children 8 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult that is at least 18 years of age. Swimsuits Required! No Glass In Pool Area!

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