lop header 2025 version b



 lop party / groups
Let Us Host Your Birthday Party!

Between the hours of 10:00am thru 6:00pm

(weekends only while school is in & 7 days a week when school is out)

.....$29.00 Per Person+tax
.....(must have atleast 8 paying guests)
....."FREE" to the Birthday Child!
.....Includes: Picnic Areas, Swimming Pools, Unlimited Waterslide, River with
.....Beaches, 1 Round of Mini-Golf, Playground, & 1 Free Ice Cream!

.....Excludes Holidays & Special Events

..... $19.99 Per Person+tax
..... (must have atleast 8 paying guests)
..... "FREE" to the Birthday Child!
.....Includes: Picnic Areas, Swimming Pools, Unlimited Waterslide, River with
.....Beaches, 1 Round of Mini-Golf, Playground, & 1 Free Ice Cream!

.....Excludes holidays & special events

We will gladly reserve free picnic tables in a shady area for your group!
Need to keep your birthday cake refigerated till ready? We can at no extra charge!
Pavilion Rentals also available, click here for more details.
Any Special Requests, Please Let Us Know!


The following rates are good (Monday thru Friday) when school is in & (Tuesday thru Thursday) when school is out. Rates are not good on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) or on/near a holiday!

DAYUSE is defined as: Visiting the park from the hours of 10:00am - 6:00pm and having use of swimming pools, picnic areas, playground, fishing ponds, volleyball/basketball courts, river with beaches, horseshoe pits, and baseball/soccer field. (We will loan sports equipment.) Coin operated game room available!


GROUP RATES: These rates are based on everyone in the group doing the same package! NO REFUNDS ON CANCELLATIONS! ALL RATES MUST ADD TAX!

$5.00 per person required on booking date when placing reservation. Based on P.O.P. only - Regular rate $29.99 (plus tax)
25-49 10% OFF     $26.99 (plus tax)
50-74 15% OFF     $25.49 (plus tax)
75-99 20% OFF     $23.99 (plus tax)
100 or more     25% OFF     $22.49 (plus tax)
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